++ 'surfer' 3d 01 // created in: Adobe illustrator, Spline.design


I am Roman,

Full-Stack Digital Product Designer


I am Roman,

Full-Stack Digital Product Designer


I am Roman,

Full-Stack Digital Product Designer


I am Roman,

Full-Stack Digital Product Designer


I am Roman,

Full-Stack Digital Product Designer

10+ years of experience crafting UI and interaction designs, delightful user-centric solutions in fast-paced fintech, agency, and e-commerce environments. Currently building revolutionary home-equity loan platform as Senior Product Designer at Coviance.

super powers

super powers

A Design isn’t finished until somebody is using it.

A Design isn’t finished until somebody is using it.

A Design isn’t finished until somebody is using it.

A Design isn’t finished until somebody is using it.

+ brenda laurel

+ brenda laurel

_Featured Work

_Featured Work

_Featured Work

_Featured Work

_Featured Work

see all // 2016-202*

see all // 2016-202*

see all // 2016-202*

see all // 2016-202*

A little about Me..

A little about Me..

About // 1985-202*

About // 1985-202*

About // 1985-202*

Greetings, friends! Welcome to my personal universe, collection of sci-fi inspired quirkiness, seriously professional projects and random fun discoveries inspired by the world around me, inside and out of the pixel.

Greetings, friends! Welcome to my personal universe, collection of sci-fi inspired quirkiness, seriously professional projects and random fun discoveries inspired by the world around me, inside and out of the pixel.

My name is Roman Serebryakov. I am an UI/UX and Product Designer based in Des Moines, Iowa. I’m originally from Ukraine, from a small mining town in South-Central region.

Along with my technical expertise in all facets of UI/UX design, I am a creative, strategic-minded Digital Storyteller. I believe that every business challenge or user problem is always part of a larger story filled with friction points and complexities. I love to craft the most functional, intuitive, easy-to-follow and enjoyable digital experiences.

Please check out my professional UI/UX design portfolio and feel free to connect with me via email or social media for any project you have in mind.

~ Roman Serebryakov

Seeking someone to handle your UX/UI issues for a particular project?😎 Brilliant! I provide freelancing services! Want to simply converse about your preferred sci-fi film, novel, or series? Let's engage in a dialogue, a conference, a chitchat, a talk, or a gabfest!

// linked_IN

// dribbble

// resume

Designed by Human. Inspired by robots.


Seeking someone to handle your UX/UI issues for a particular project?😎 Brilliant! I provide freelancing services! Want to simply converse about your preferred sci-fi film, novel, or series? Let's engage in a dialogue, a conference, a chitchat, a talk, or a gabfest!

// linked_IN

// dribbble

// resume

Designed by Human. Inspired by robots.


Seeking someone to handle your UX/UI issues for a particular project?😎 Brilliant! I provide freelancing services! Want to simply converse about your preferred sci-fi film, novel, or series? Let's engage in a dialogue, a conference, a chitchat, a talk, or a gabfest!

// linked_IN

// dribbble

// resume

Designed by Human. Inspired by robots.